Kingdom Life Ministries

We thank you for taking the time to visit this site, we trust it will provide you with information about the ministry and inspiration for your life, while it also acts as a channel for you to communicate with us

Kingdom Life Ministries

We thank you for taking the time to visit this site, we trust it will provide you with information about the ministry and inspiration for your life, while it also acts as a channel for you to communicate with us

The heart of God is for the people. All people. Jesus, as the literal Son of God, revealed the heart of the Father in His life and relationships.  Compelled by love, He went about with absolute resolve, living in reality and manifesting the Kingdom of God in power, thereby revealing the true heart of the Father. We have been invited into the identical lifestyle and experience here on earth through a relational connection of oneness with our Father.


Our pursuit of the reality of God and spans over decades. Born into a war stricken nation, experiencing the practical hand of God, from protection to provision, was a non-negotiable reality we closely held in our hearts. And He absolutely came through for us in every situation. This was the context from which our journey intensified.

And over the course of the next few years on this journey, we realised that the way we had perceived our Father for generations has been skewed, misunderstood and ultimately by default misrepresented Him primarily through religious paradigms, Sunday routines, and man-made systems. In response to our increased dissatisfaction, the hunger for more, the inner heart cry and multiple questions that were arising, we as a community of like-minded folks have been re-discovering God’s original intent for mankind by looking to the Truth, who is Jesus. The Lord has graciously revealed to us deeper revelation about His nature and His heart towards His children. We are grateful and highly excited at the revelation the Lord has led us into thus far, and to witness His kindness, love and goodness overtaking the lives of those around us in miraculous ways. Our journey continues further into the mysteries of God. 

Kingdom Life Ministries was formerly known as Life Supernatural Ministries.


Our deepest desire is to know Him, know His heart and to make His true nature known to others – unveiling their true identity as Sons and Daughters of God and empowering them to live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We relationally connect with folks who are likewise hungering after the realities of God and have a heart for serving their local communities, towns, cities and nations. We fellowship in various settings, both informal and formal, including small groups, for edification and building each other up.

We welcome you to contact us. We serve across denominational lines and would be delighted in extending our ministry to you.


We appreciate, honour and acknowledge the many people, family, friends and community that have partnered and encouraged us. We value you, your relationship and for being an integral part of this ongoing journey. We further honour the historical and present day apostolic fathers and ministries that God so graciously used to significantly impact our lives and ministry.

  1. Existence of only one true eternal God, eternally self-existent and He is one being in three Persons. God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit.

  2. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laying aside His divine privileges as God and yet not denying His existential identity, was born of a virgin and manifested as True God and True Man (God-Man).

  3. Adam’s physical body was fashioned by God and he was made alive by the breath of God entering the physical body – God breathed into man. Mankind was created in the very image of God.

  4. Mankind was estranged in their own mind by believing a lie about God and themselves.

  5. The ultimate and infinite love and nature of God was displayed on the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, which delivers us from sin and all the effects of sin.

  6. The Holy Spirit sanctifies (leads us into all of Truth and cleanses) us, enabling us into a supernatural lifestyle.

  7. We believe in the unveiling of the Sons of God and in the culmination of time the second appearance of Jesus Christ.

  8. We believe that the Bible is the Inspired Scriptures of the Word of God.
Life Supernatural Ministries
PO Box 40-680
North Shore City 0747
New Zealand